Crystal Ice Plant

Burnett’s Crystal Ice Plant was built in 1939 on the Southwest corner of North Madison Ave. and 5th Street where McGuire-Dyke CPA is now.

McGuire-Dyke CPA today.

It was owned by G. L. Burnett of Greenville who was an ice manufacturer in Northeast Texas for many years.

1948 Crystal Ice Plant advertisement.

W. J. Weems supervised the building of the plant and installation of machinery and operated and managed the ice house.

The Ice plant had a daily 32 ton capacity during the peak season. Four city trucks were in service during the summer months and the company furnished ice to people along eight county routs.

South Side Fruit House was designated as the delivery agent, and a brick vault was built on the south side of the square for storage, so deliveries could be made day or night.

“Slow Melting Ice,” was the company’s slogan.



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